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Configuration related to service discovery and configuration delivery, mainly included in Kubernetes-related global configuration.


  enabled: true
    # Choose: docker or containerd
    containerRuntime: containerd
    # Collect log files inside the container from the root filesystem of the container, no need to mount the volume
    rootFsCollectionEnabled: false
    # Automatically parse and convert the wrapped container standard output format into the original log content
    parseStdout: false
    # If set to true, it means that the pipeline configuration generated does not contain specific Pod paths and meta information,
      # and these data will be dynamically obtained by the file source, thereby reducing the number of configuration changes and reloads.
    dynamicContainerLog: false
    # Automatically add fields when selector.type is pod in logconfig/clusterlogconfig
      logconfig: "${_k8s.logconfig}"
      namespace: "${_k8s.pod.namespace}"
      nodename: "${}"
      podname: "${}"
      containername: "${}"
      nodename: "${}"
      clusterlogconfig: "${_k8s.clusterlogconfig}"
      os: "${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.osImage}"


field type required default description
enabled bool false Whether to enable the service discovery configuration delivery


field type required default description
cluster string false Identifies the Loggie cluster name. Loggie supports deploying multiple sets of Loggie in a Kubernetes cluster. It can be specified in the LogConfig CRD by selector.cluster to specify the Loggie cluster to be configured.
kubeconfig string false Specifies the kubeconfig file used to connect the Kubernetes API. Usually, it is not required when Loggie is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster. If Loggie is deployed outside Kubernetes (local debug), you need to specify the kubeconfig file.
master string false Specify the master address for requesting the Kubernetes cluster API. Generally it do not need to be filled in inCluster mode
containerRuntime string false docker container runtime, docker or containerd
rootFsCollectionEnabled bool false false Whether to enable the collection of logs in the root filesystem when log volumes are not mounted.
parseStdout bool false false Whether to enable automatic extraction of container standard output raw content
dynamicContainerLog bool false false Whether to enable the dynamic container log configuration. The configuration file will not render the specific path and dynamic fields fields after opening, which can effectively avoid the frequent rendering of the configuration caused by Pod changes in large-scale containerization scenarios, and significantly reduce the number of reloads, especially on a single node. When the number of Pods is large and clusterlogconfig is used to match a large number of Pods, it is generally recommended to set it true.
kubeletRootDir string false /var/lib/kubelet root path of kubelet
podLogDirPrefix string false /var/log/pods The path where kubernetes place pod standard output by default
typePodFields map false The kubernetes related meta info automatically added when logconfig/clusterlogconfig use selector type: pod. The key is key of added meta info, and the value should be specified in the form of ${_k8s.XX}. Fixed key:value fields are also supported
typeNodeFields map false The kubernetes related meta info automatically added when logconfig/clusterlogconfig use selector type: node. The key is key of added meta info, and the value should be specified in the form of ${_k8s.XX}. Fixed key:value fields are also supported

Variables supported by typePodFields

"${_k8s.XX}" can be replaced by the following parameters:

field type required default description
${_k8s.logconfig} string false add logConfig name as meta
${} string false add node name as meta
${_k8s.node.ip} string false add node ip as meta
${_k8s.pod.namespace} string false add namespace as meta
${} string false add pod name as meta
${_k8s.pod.ip} string false add pod ip as meta
${_k8s.pod.uid} string false add pod uid as meta
${} string false add container name as meta
${} string false add container id as meta
${_k8s.pod.container.image} string false add container image as meta
${_k8s.workload.kind} string false add Deployment/Statefulset/DaemonSet/Job kind as meta
${} string false add Deployment/Statefulset/DaemonSet/Job name as meta

Variables supported by typeNodeFields

"${_k8s.XX}" can be replaced by the following parameters:

field type required default description
${_k8s.clusterlogconfig} string false add clusterlogconfig nameas meta
${} string false add node nameas meta
${_k8s.node.addresses.InternalIP} string false add node InternalIP as meta
${_k8s.node.addresses.Hostname} string false add node Hostname as meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.kernelVersion} string false add node kernelVersion as meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.osImage} string false add node osImageas meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.containerRuntimeVersion} string false add node containerRuntimeVersion as meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.kubeletVersion} string false add node kubeletVersionas meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.kubeProxyVersion} string false add node kubeProxyVersionas meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.operatingSystem} string false add node operatingSystemas meta
${_k8s.node.nodeInfo.architecture} string false add node architectureas meta
${_k8s.node.labels.} string false add a label of node as meta. replace <key> with a specific label key
${_k8s.node.annotations.} string false add an annotation of node as meta. replace <key> with a specific annotation key
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