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Use sink kafka to send log data to downstream Kafka.


  type: kafka
  brokers: [""]
  topic: "log-${fields.topic}"


field type required default description
brokers string array true none Brokers address for sending logs to Kafka


field type required default description
topic string false loggie Kafka topic

Use${a.b} to get the field value in the event as the specific topic name.

For example, an event is:

  "topic": "loggie",
  "hello": "world"
Configure topic: ${topic}. At this time, the topic of Kafka is "loggie".

Also nested selection is supported:

  "fields": {
    "topic": "loggie"
  "hello": "world"
Configure topic: ${fields.topic}, and the topic of Kafka is "loggie".


field type required default description
balance string false roundRobin Load balancing strategy, which can be hash, roundRobin, leastBytes


field type required default description
compression string false gzip Compression strategy for sending logs to Kafka, which can be gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd


field type required default description
maxAttempts int false 10 max retries


field type required default description
batchSize int false 100 The maximum number of data contained in each batch when sending


field type required default description
batchBytes int false 1048576 Maximum number of bytes included in each send request


field type required default description
batchTimeout time.Duration false 1s Maximum time to form each send batch


field type required default description
readTimeout time.Duration false 10s read timeout


field type required default description
writeTimeout time.Duration false 10s write timeout


field type required default description
requiredAcks int false 0 ack waiting parameter, which can be 0,1, -1
  • 0: don't ask for ack
  • 1: wait for leader partition ack
  • -1: wait for all replica acks in the ISR


field type required default description
sasl false SASL authentication
sasl.type string false SASL type, which can be plain, scram
sasl.userName string false username
sasl.password string false password
sasl.algorithm string true when type=scram Algorithm to use when type=scram. sha256 or sha512


field type required default description
partitionKey string false controller which partition of topic to send message

Similar with topic. Use${a.b} to get the field value in the event as the specific partition key.

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