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file source is used for log collection.


- type: file
  name: accesslog


If you use logconfig/clusterlogconfig to collect container logs, additional fields are added to the file source, please refer to here.


field type required default description
paths string array true none The collected paths are matched using glob expressions. Support glob expansion expressions Brace Expansion and Glob Star


Object files to be collected:


Corresponding configuration:

- type: file
  - /tmp/loggie/**/access.log{,.[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0123][0-9]}


field type required default description
excludeFiles string array false none Exclude collected files regular expression


- type: file
  - /tmp/*.log
  - \.gz$


field type required default description
ignoreOlder time.Duration false none for example, 48h, which means to ignore files whose update time is 2 days ago
field type required default description
ignoreSymlink bool false false whether to ignore symbolic links (soft links) files


field type required default description
addonMeta bool false false whether to add the default log collection state meta information

event example

  "body": "this is test",
  "state": {
    "pipeline": "local",
    "source": "demo",
    "filename": "/var/log/a.log",
    "timestamp": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z",
    "offset": 1024,
    "bytes": 4096,
    "hostname": "node-1"

state explanation:

  • pipeline: the name of the pipeline where it is located
  • source: the name of the source where it is located
  • filename: the name of the collected file
  • timestamp: the timestamp of the collection time
  • offset: the offset of the collected data in the file
  • bytes: the number of bytes of data collected
  • hostname: the name of the node where it is located


field type required default description
workerCount int false 1 The number of worker threads (goroutines) that read the contents of the file. Consider increasing it when there are more than 100 files on a single node


field type required default description
readBufferSize int false 65536 The amount of data to read from the file at a time. Default 64K=65536


field type required default description
maxContinueRead int false 16 The number of times the content of the same file is read continuously. Reaching this number of times cause forced switch to the next file to read. The main function is to prevent active files from occupying reading resources all the time, in which case inactive files cannot be read and collected for a long time.


field type required default description
maxContinueReadTimeout time.Duration false 3s The maximum reading time of the same file. If this time is exceeded, the next file will be forced to be read. Similar to maxContinueRead


field type required default description
inactiveTimeout time.Duration false 3s If the file has exceeded inactiveTimeout from the last collection, it is considered that the file has entered an inactive state (that is, the last log has been written), and that the last line of log can be collected safely.


field type required default description
firstNBytesForIdentifier int false 128 Use the first n characters of the collected target file to generate the file unique code. If the size of the file is less than n, the file will not be collected temporarily. The main purpose is to accurately identify a file in combination with file inode information and to determine whether the file is deleted or renamed.


Encoding conversion, used to convert different encodings to utf8.


      - type: file
        name: demo
          - /tmp/log/*.log
          topic: "loggie"
        charset: "gbk"
field type required default description
charset string false utf-8 Matching model for extracted fields

The currently supported encoding formats for converting to utf-8 are:

  • nop
  • plain
  • utf-8
  • gbk
  • big5
  • euc-jp
  • iso2022-jp
  • shift-jis
  • euc-kr
  • iso8859-6e
  • iso8859-6i
  • iso8859-8e
  • iso8859-8i
  • iso8859-1
  • iso8859-2
  • iso8859-3
  • iso8859-4
  • iso8859-5
  • iso8859-6
  • iso8859-7
  • iso8859-8
  • iso8859-9
  • iso8859-10
  • iso8859-13
  • iso8859-14
  • iso8859-15
  • iso8859-16
  • cp437
  • cp850
  • cp852
  • cp855
  • cp858
  • cp860
  • cp862
  • cp863
  • cp865
  • cp866
  • ebcdic-037
  • ebcdic-1040
  • ebcdic-1047
  • koi8r
  • koi8u
  • macintosh
  • macintosh-cyrillic
  • windows1250
  • windows1251
  • windows1252
  • windows1253
  • windows1254
  • windows1255
  • windows1256
  • windows1257
  • windows1258
  • windows874
  • utf-16be-bom
  • utf-16le-bom


Newline symbol configuration


  - type: file
    name: demo
      type: carriage_return_line_feed
      value: "\r\n"
      charset: gbk


field type required default description
type bool false auto value is only valid when type is custom

Currently supported types are:

  • auto
  • line_feed
  • vertical_tab
  • form_feed
  • carriage_return
  • carriage_return_line_feed
  • next_line
  • line_separator
  • paragraph_separator
  • null_terminator

The corresponding newline symbols are:

        auto:                    {'\u000A'},
        line_feed:               {'\u000A'},
        vertical_tab:            {'\u000B'},
        form_feed:               {'\u000C'},
        carriage_return:         {'\u000D'},
        carriage_return_line_feed: []byte("\u000D\u000A"),
        next_line:               {'\u0085'},
        line_separator:          []byte("\u2028"),
        paragraph_separator:     []byte("\u2029"),
        null_terminator:         {'\u0000'},


field type required default description
value string false \n newline symbol


field type required default description
charset string false utf-8 newline symbol encoding


Multi-line collection configuration


- type: file
  name: accesslog
    active: true


field type required default description
active bool false false whether to enable multi-line


field type required default description
pattern string required when false A regular expression that is used to judge whether a line is a brand new log. For example, if it is configured as '^[', it is considered that a line beginning with [ is a new log, otherwise the content of this line is merged into the previous log as part of the previous log.


field type required default description
maxLines int false 500 Number of lines a log can contains at most. The default is 500 lines. If the upper limit is exceeded, the current log will be forced to be sent, and the excess will be used as a new log.


field type required default description
maxBytes int64 false 131072 Number of bytes a log can contains at most. The default is 128K. If the upper limit is exceeded, the current log will be forced to be sent, and the excess will be used as a new log.


field type required default description
timeout time.Duration false 5s How long to wait for a log to be collected as a complete log. The default is 5s. If the upper limit is exceeded, the current log will be sent, and the excess will be used as a new log.


Configuration related to the confirmation of the source. If you need to make sure at least once, you need to turn on the ack mechanism, but there will be a certain performance loss.


This configuration can only be configured in defaults


    - type: file
        enable: true


field type required default description
enable bool false true Whether to enable confirmation


field type required default description
maintenanceInterval time.Duration false 20h maintenance cycle. Used to regularly clean up expired confirmation data (such as the ack information of files that are no longer collected)


Use sqlite3 as database. Save the file name, file inode, offset of file collection and other information during the collection process. Used to restore the last collection progress after logie reload or restart.


This configuration can only be configured in defaults.


    - type: file
        file: "./data/loggie.db"


field type required default description
file string false ./data/loggie.db database file path


field type required default description
tableName string false registry database table name


field type required default description
flushTimeout time.Duration false 2s write the collected information to the database regularly


field type required default description
bufferSize int false 2048 The buffer size of the collection information written into the database


field type required default description
cleanInactiveTimeout time.Duration false 504h Clean up outdated data in the database. If the update time of the data exceeds the configured value, the data will be deleted. 21 days by default.


field type required default description
cleanScanInterval time.Duration false 1h Periodically check the database for outdated data. Check every 1 hour by default


Configuration for monitoring file changes


This configuration can only be configured in defaults


    - type: file
        enableOsWatch: true


field type required default description
enableOsWatch bool false true Whether to enable the monitoring notification mechanism of the OS. For example, inotify of linux


field type required default description
scanTimeInterval time.Duration false 10s Periodically check file status changes (such as file creation, deletion, etc.). Check every 10s by default


field type required default description
maintenanceInterval time.Duration false 5m Periodic maintenance work (such as reporting and collecting statistics, cleaning files, etc.)


field type required default description
fdHoldTimeoutWhenInactive time.Duration false 5m When the time from the last collection of the file to the present exceeds the limit (the file has not been written for a long time, it is considered that there is a high probability that the content will not be written again), the handle of the file will be released to release system resources


field type required default description
fdHoldTimeoutWhenRemove time.Duration false 5m When the file is deleted and the collection is not completed, it will wait for the maximum time to complete the collection. If the limit is exceeded, no matter whether the file is finally collected or not, the handle will be released directly and no longer collected.


field type required default description
maxOpenFds int false 512 The maximum number of open file handles. If the limit is exceeded, the files will not be collected temporarily


field type required default description
maxEofCount int false 3 The maximum number of times EoF is encountered in consecutive reads of a file. If the limit is exceeded, it is considered that the file is temporarily inactive and will enter the "zombie" queue to wait for the update event to be activated.


field type required default description
cleanWhenRemoved bool false true When the file is deleted, whether to delete the collection-related information in the db synchronously.


field type required default description
readFromTail bool false false Whether to start collecting from the latest line of the file, regardless of writing history. It is suitable for scenarios such as migration of collection systems.


field type required default description
taskStopTimeout time.Duration false 30s The timeout period for the collection task to exit. It is a bottom-up solution when Loggie cannot be reloaded.


File clearing related configuration. Expired and collected files will be deleted directly from the disk to free up disk space.


field type required default description
maxHistoryDays int false none Maximum number of days to keep files (after collection). If the limit is exceeded, the file will be deleted directly from the disk. If not configured, the file will never be deleted
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