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loki sink is used to send data to Loki storage. Loki documentation can be found here


  type: loki
  url: "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push"


field type required default description
url string true api for pushing loki


field type required default description
tenantId string false tenant name used


field type required default description
timeout time.Duration false 30s send timeout


field type required default description
entryLine string false The log content sent to Loki. The default is the body of the Loggie event

Loki's log data structure is roughly divided into label and main data. By default, Loggie will convert the meta-information field in the header into a label connected with _. In addition, it should be noted that since loki's labels key does not support ., /, -, the keys containing these symbols in the header will be automatically converted into _ form.

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