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Quick Troubleshooting Guide of Log Collection

Why are my logs not being collected?

For log collection, the most critical and core question is whether the log has been collected, and why is the log I configured not sent? The troubleshooting ideas and methods are provided below for reference.
Also, and most importantly, configure Loggie's Prometheus monitoring and Grafana charts in the environment to quickly find problems.

The Core Mechanism of Log Collection

Understanding the implementation mechanism is the basis for troubleshooting:

  1. Distribute collection tasks: Create a log collection task LogConfig CR in Kubernetes.
  2. Receive log configuration: The Agent Loggie of the node listens to the corresponding events of K8s and converts the LogConfig into a Pipelines configuration file.
  3. Collect log files: Loggie will automatically reload and then read the configuration file, and then send the corresponding log data to downstream services according to the configuration.

(In host scenarios, only the steps to issue the LogConfig CR are not needed, and the rest are similar)

Troubleshooting Steps

The key to troubleshooting is to first determine which step the problem lies.

Troubleshoot Log Collection Tasks

Check the events of the log collection task LogConfig/ClusterLogConfig we want to troubleshoot:

kubectl -n ${namespace} describe lgc ${name}

If there are no events, the problmem could be:

  • ❓ Pod Label does not match:
    The label specified in logConfig labelSelector does not match the pod we expect. View with the following command
    kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -owide -l ${labels}
    For example, use kubectl -n ns1 get po -owide -l app=tomcat,service=web to determine whether there is a matching Pod.

If there are no events similar to sync success, you can troubleshoot the problem based on the events combined with the loggie log:

  • ❓ Configuration problems or Loggie exceptions: check with the following command
    kubectl -n ${loggie-namespace} logs -f ${loggie-pod-name} —-tail=${N}
    For example, kubectl -nloggie logs -f loggie-5x6vf --tail=100. Check the loggie log of the corresponding node and handle it according to the log.

Common exceptions are:

  • The log path cannot be found: The filled path is not mounted with volume. You can carefully check the path and the path of volumeMount to see if the path is included in volumeMount.
  • The log path does not match a specific log file: the path needs to be filled with a glob expression, eg /var/log/*.log. The fastest way is to execute ls <path> in the Pod of the business that needs to be collected, because ls also uses glob expressions to match log files. In addition, it is also necessary to pay extra attention to whether parameters such as ignoreOlder/excludeFiles are configured, which could cause the log files we want to collect ignored or excluded.

Node Log Agent Troubleshooting

1. 🔎 Find the Log Agent of the Node Where the Pod Matched by LogConfig is Located

Find a matching business pod according to the labelSelector in logConfig:

kubectl -n ${namespace} get po -owide -l ${labels}
Find any Node node where it is located ${node-name}, then
kubectl -n ${loggie-namespace} get po -owide |grep ${node-name}
Find the Loggie where the node is located.

2. 🔎 View the Loggie log of the Corresponding Node

Check whether there is any abnormality. If there is any abnormality, you need to analyze according to the abnormal log.

kubectl -n ${loggie-namespace} logs -f ${loggie-pod-name} —-tail=${N}

3. 🔎 Check the Collection

Call the automatic troubleshooting API

Targeting the corresponding Agent, call the help API:

curl <ip>:9196/api/v1/help

The beginning of the API return includes a usage hint:

--------- Usage: -----------------------
|--- view details: /api/v1/help?detail=<module>, module is one of: all/pipeline/log
|--- query by pipeline name: /api/v1/help?pipeline=<name>
|--- query by source name: /api/v1/help?source=<name>
We can use curl <ip>:9196/api/v1/help?detail=all to query all the details, or use the name of the pipeline or source to search.

The current return mainly includes two parts:

  • Pipeline Status: Overall pipeline operation, configuration and some consistency checks.
  • Log Collection Status: Details of file source log collection, including the collection status and progress of log files under each pipeline/source.

Under normal circumstances, this API covers the content obtained by the following operations, and there is no need to continue the following operations. The following steps are for reference only.

View the Configuration Generated by Loggie Rendering

Enter into the container:

kubectl -n ${loggie-namespace} exec -it ${loggie-pod-name} bash
View the Pipeline configuration generated by the rendering:
ls /opt/loggie/pipeline/
Of course, you can also choose to view the pipeline configuration generated by calling the Loggie API:
curl ${loggie-pod-ip}:9196/api/v1/reload/config

Confirm the Log Collection Configuration

cat /opt/loggie/pipeline/
Check the log configuration. The path here is the path converted according to the path in the container filled in logconfig, which is the path of the actual node, and can be found on the node normally. Because Loggie uses containerized deployment, you can not view all configurations of nodes in the Loggie Pod. It is necessary to ensure that Loggie also mounts the relevant path prefixes.

Check Log Collection Persistence Status

Loggie records the collection status of each log file, so that even after Loggie restarts, it can continue based on the previous collection progress and avoid re-collecting log files. You can view it by calling the API:

curl ${loggie-pod-ip}:9196/api/v1/source/file/registry?format=text | grep XXX
It usually returns something like:
    "id": 85,
    "pipelineName": "default/tomcat",
    "sourceName": "tomcat-7d64c4f6c9-cm8jm/tomcat/common",
    "filename": "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/9397b8be-8927-44ba-8b94-73e5a4459377/volumes/",
    "jobUid": "3670030-65025",
    "offset": 4960,
    "collectTime": "2022-06-06 12:44:12.861",
    "version": "0.0.1"
filename is the log path on the actual node after the Loggie conversion. jobUid is in form of inode-deviceId. offset is the offset after the sink successfully receives the ack. we can execute this in the Loggie container:
stat ${filename}
View information such as the size/inode of the file, for example:


  File: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/9397b8be-8927-44ba-8b94-73e5a4459377/volumes/
  Size: 4960        Blocks: 16         IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: fe01h/65025d    Inode: 3670030     Links: 1
Access: (0640/-rw-r-----)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2022-06-06 12:44:12.859236003 +0000
Modify: 2022-06-02 08:54:33.177240007 +0000
Change: 2022-06-02 08:54:33.177240007 +0000

The collecting progress can be judged by comparing size and offset. If size=offset, it means that the file has been collected and sent successfully.

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